A study whose purpose is to teach the principles found in God's Word for managing financial resources.
These God-given principles have already been used by millions of people who have gone through this study. This study is about finances, a field that affects our daily lives. However, the study also touches on other areas that dramatically influence how we deal with our finances, including our attitudes, commitments, values, lifestyle, and even our perspective on eternity.
Study structure:
1. Personal study - the study is structured on weekly modules, with about 15 minutes of study each day. Each module includes Bible verses, followed by questions that relate to their application. A space is provided in the study manual for your answers to the questions.
2. Focused on Scripture - the apostle Paul tells us in Colossians 3:16 to "let the word of Christ dwell richly" in us. God is specific and intentional in letting us know how to handle the resources He has given us. Did you know there are over 2,300 verses in the Bible about money?
3. Practical Application Workbook - As you complete each module, there are practical "homework assignments" such as: starting a budget or designing a debt repayment schedule.
This course material was developed by the Compass Foundation in the USA and is adapted and offered in English, Romanian, and in Farsi by the Mentorendienst Association.
The courses are conducted online over 9 weeks, with meetings held once a week.
Classes available in Romanian, English & Farsi!
If you're interested in joining a Zoom class in Romanian, English, or Farsi, write us at
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