- Mentoring Disciples
- Multiplying Leaders
- Edifying the Laborers
- Evangelizing the Lost

Following Jesus Christ means making disciples. We remember his words: "Go therefore and make disciples . . . " (Mat.28:19). We believe that discipleship, in its integrity is summed up by the words of Apostle Paul: "And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses, entrust to reliable men, who will also be qualified to teach others also." (2 Tim.2:2)
Witnessing for Christ and sharing the new life in Christ will lead to a positive, effective and lasting change. We believe this must start at the level of leadership.
Every one of us must be teachable during our entire life, have someone to whom we are accountable and someone in whose footsteps we can follow, in the meantime, having others following us. The Apostle Paul says: "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ (1 Cor. 11: 1).
The ways and means to accomplish these goals are
- Mentoring, discipleship and spiritual support on a personal level
- Biblical teaching at Bible Schools and Conferences, organized or supported by MMEE, whenever possible in co-operation with local churches or like-minded organizations
- Relevant teaching of Christian leadership principles
- Material support for projects initiated or supported by members of MMEE
Leadership and Team

From left to right: Jan Broda, Tomas Roman, Marius Chiciudean, Mihai Cucos, Attila Termoe
Chairman - Marius Chiciudean, pastor (RO);
Board Members: Attila Termoe (D), Jan Broda (PL), Mihai Cucos (MD), Tomas Roman (CZ)
Honorific Advisory: Jurg Kessler (CH)